Saturday, April 12, 2014

Strength ....

This image is funny, but in all seriousness, that Russia picture is exactly why I'm afraid to lose weight -- I've been independent my whole life.. I can't count the number of times I've had to move large pieces of furniture or ghawd knows what else, all by myself .. and while it is frustrating and I might ache later, it's not the end of the world. I one-armed my van tires on rims, while the lovely, pretty petite woman who was helping me could almost not move the things. I carry all my groceries and huge bags of kitty litter or whatever the fck else needs to be moved -- because I have the sheer force of my body and the muscles required. I'm not the type who is going to be at the gym working out every day to maintain muscle mass to be able to still do this stuff. I nearly broke myself 2 wks ago moving a steel-frame trundle bed we bought on kijiji for my kid ... but it needed to be done, so I did it. I always just have. What do I do if I can't? I held all my grocery bags all in my pinky finger the other day, cuz I was saying to my mom how it amazes me that the human body can do such awesome things -- and she said "uhh, yours maybe, I can't do that!" ... oh.