Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tree of Stars night (at LOST)

Journal prompt #1: struggles

Sometimes we find ourselves
Twisting in a place we've been before
Returning again and again
Unbeknowest to those close to us
Gaining strength from the repetition
Giving only the slightest notion
Leaving us to ask what is this for
Each lost to the vast plane
Struggling to catch our breath

Journal Prompt #2: home

a) Inside your embrace is where I seek to find home. Strength, softness, warmth. Knowing I need only turn my face to find yours and see the depth of emotion in your eyes mirroring my own. Home is much more than a place, it is a feeling of safety and a sense of well-being and comfort.

  • I've moved more times than I can even remember. I'd quickly run out of fingers to count on if I tried to suss it out for you. So I know that 4 walls and a roof are not what create it.
  • I've lost all I own due to various situations, sleeping under a towel on a carpeted floor, so I know it takes more than a bed or a couch to make it.
  • I've lost partners, friends, family, and pets, so I know it is not just the people we populate our buildings with who make it what it is.
  • But somehow, if you squeeze all these pieces together and add in some love and support, some warmth and caring, with the people who really matter, you can create a space for yourself in this unforgiving world and call it home.
Journal prompt #3: self-care (list from group)

- blogger.com
- self massages
- no cell phone
- avoid news
- watch comedy
- letter to self about "things I like about me"
- de-cluttering (home and head)
- walk
- youtube yoga
- blowing bubbles
- help someone randomly
- write
- talk to a stranger
- learn to make a new food
- just breathing
- enjoy a cup of tea
- quiet
- headspace (app, guided meditation)
- mammalian dive reflex
-  go to library w/ a friend
- look through old memory boxes
- eat in shower (a dripping fruit)
- re-wire the brain

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