Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tree of Stars night (at LOST)

Journal prompt #1: Who is your superhero?

For a long time I would easily answer that with 'my sister' -- and while she for sure is my hero, always has held that spot in my world, now I think I have a new answer.  My kid is my superhero.  He is just turning 14 and he is already so headstrong & bold. He knows himself intimately in a way I, at nearly 40, am only just discovering.  My son was AFAB but that didn't stop him from claiming his true self and identity. He is embarking now on a journey of transition that I can do no more than scaffold him through -- the choices will be his and his alone (of course, Doctor-informed choices, but still, the direction he wants to take his body is a journey I cannot make with him) and I couldn't be prouder of how he is handling himself in all this new-ness!

Poem: The lost night of Tree of Stars (April 10th 6:30pmish)

I flew through the gaps
seeping into oblivion
I only knew it was never enough.
Try as I might
I couldn't find purchase in their land.
Spew my hurt into
physical being
I took this hate and turned
it into fuel.
I will expel until I dig
deep and discover joy.
Desire leaves me wanting
but truth will set me adrift
in a sea of my own
Drowning is no longer an option
as I plant two feet upon this
soil and call it my own.

Journal prompt #2:  Name 7 things you can do for self-care that are free
  1. Grounding --> earthing. Bare feet in the grass, sand, soil
  2. Come to a group at LOST
  3. Water. Drink it, bathe in it, play in it. Water is revitalizing.
  4. Let it go. Grab a pillow and just scream into it. Let it all out.
  5. Meet up with a friend. Go for a walk, sit in the park, just connect --> no phones!!
  6. Find a free app or use YouTube. Play some relaxing music and burn some incense and meditate for 5 or 15 minutes. Gently bring yourself back to focus if your mind wanders
  7. Journal. Do 'free writing' -- let your pen walk and don't think too hard about what you're writing. Get it out!
Overheard at event: Nothing can go wrong with a paper and a pen. 

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