"In your presence even my shadow acquires the sensation of touch."Oh ghawd... I once believed touch was the only reason to be corporeal. Now I can't be sure there is any good reason to be stuck here, in this stench of flesh, clinging to bone, grasping at the possible meaning of it all ....
I recently discussed a very simplistic philosophical concept with a new friend. All living creatures ask questions, the smallest insect, to the largest beast and the tallest tree. The five standard forms of inquiry: who, where, what, when, how ... e.g. who: is this a member of my colony or an impostor? where: which direction should I face my leaves to get the greatest sun exposure? how: is there a tool that opens this food I want to eat? ..... but none of the creatures of this planet, aside from homosapien, go so far as to ask 'why'. This is what sets us apart. The moment we began to question the working of things, the very nature of nature, we stepped off the cycle of natural order and into some sick and twisted parallel course.
I know this is not a new concept, but I do think of it as a very simplistic way to explain a very complex idea. Natural order of survival requires living beings to navigate the who, where, when, what and how of life.... it is in questioning the 'why' behind all actions and events that separates and divides humans from all that is natural.
I'm tired of asking why.... the problem with this question is not really in the asking, it is the expectation of a clear and concise answer; it is expecting a finite number of answers to any given occurrence of 'why?'
One why always leads to another why ... any four year old can show you this... and the frustration a parent feels in the unending path of this interaction should be a clear sign to us of the futility of such an exercise.
Why do I bother to wake up in the morning? Why must we die alone? Why does it hurt so much when I think of things lost and others unattainable? Why is there such a drastic divide between the have-nothings and the have-plentys? Why does it feel so good when we are touched.... and why does it feel like there is something missing when we aren't?
Why did I leave....
Why ask why???!
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