[previously posted to facebook notes]
With each day that passes, the sharp and distinct feelings -- rage, disgust and disappointment -- over the recent police actions in Toronto, fade just that much more. If the officials continue to control the pace at which these events will be "legally" dealt with, the public will sink back into blissful ignorance and the numbers opposing the leaders of this free nation (ha!) will dwindle. I refuse to let it go. This fire that burns in the pit of my stomach re-explodes every time I tentatively reach out to touch it. We, the people, must take back our country, our freedom, our rights -- before we no longer have the ability and mobility to fight.
The more I educate myself over the events that took place, by reading personal accounts or watching extended YouTube videos, the words to express the anger, sadness, disappointment, outrage, shock and utter disgust at the actions of police authority during the 2010 Toronto G20 mistake escape me. It would take a much better writer than myself to capture this deluge of emotions. I am not sure the digital equivalent of shaking my head, but somehow it feels as though that is really all I can do at the surreal comedy of errors which took place in Canada, the True North, strong and free.
The history of the Canadian national anthem, with versions changing over the years, is a good place to look for slogans of what it feels to be Canadian, the homogeneous message is clear:
1880 - Thy valour [...] Will protect our homes and our rights!
1906 - Defend our rights, forfend this nation's thrall!
1970 - [...] keep our land glorious and free!
In late June 2010, the 'Thin Blue Line' was spun into a noose by actions taken during the Toronto G20 mishap, and has now hung itself out to dry -- will Chief of Police William Blair take the fall, as the vocal showpiece of this administration, or will those who pulled his strings be forced into the public eye and held accountable for their decisions to trample the Canadian Charter?
It has been suggested that there is no proof for Blair's wrong-doings, however -- I'd like to suggest that video footage of him encouraging the non-existent 5m rule be tinder enough to allow all actions taken under his command during the summit spark the roaring fire in which his career has gone up in smoke. The following are comments taken from fellow Canadians who have signed a petition to have Blair resign.
[Ed. note: I may have edited for grammar/spelling, but at no point did I alter the message. I do not claim these points to be my own words, but certainly, many of them are things I have said already.]
- As a citizen I have the blood of our constitution on my hands.
- We have a duty to speak against this injustice.
- An erosion of accountability is followed closely by an erosion of trust.
- The officers who were put in this situation, where they were given free-range to trample the rights of individuals living in Toronto [need to be held liable to criminal charges for their documented and/or video recorded actions.]
- Are we living in a military state? Police are meant to be there to protect the public, not intimidate, beat and harass them.
- Blair's abuse of the powers of his station were shocking and totally unbecoming of a city official.
- The inexcusable actions by police leave me breathless. Illegal searches, imprisonment, sexual misconduct with female and gay arrestees, assaults of all shapes and sizes.
- The gentleman with one leg who was harassed, abused and had his artificial leg torn from him and detained with no reason. The young hearing impaired man who could not discern police instruction and was separated from his friend and consequently roughly arrested and detained with NO interpreter. The young man with cerebral palsy who was taunted and humiliated by police in the detention center. The older man who was paralyzed on one side and wet himself after being given no assistance to use the facilities. The speech-impaired detainee who was cuffed with hands behind the back, and unable to communicate for upwards of 20 hours. Are they seriously security threats that ONE billion dollars could not more appropriately address? These actions by police are inexcusable and there is no reason the police, provincial or federal government could use to justify the excessive use of force and the inhumane treatment of citizens of this country. These stories are only the tip of the iceberg and it is impossible to hide them all.
- The Law Enforcement Oath states: "On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold the constitution my community and the agency I serve." Under the command of William Blair, the police force has broken every vow within that oath.
- The action of the ISU during the G8/G20 has brought nothing but shame upon the [entire Canadian] police force.
- A police officer who does not uphold the law and the rights of the citizens he serves, has no right to the badge he wears.
- William Blair - I can not believe the horrendous legacy of crushing people, and our civil liberties. Civil dissent is not a conspiracy.
- I am so ashamed to be Canadian today.
- Either he doesn't understand the Charter of Rights & Freedoms or he willfully ignored it.
- There was no call for the Draconian measures or flagrant disregard for human rights exhibited and apparently sanctioned by the TO Police during the G20.
- The tyranny the cops imposed is inexcusable and if we don't weed them out now we will all become the victims
- I am CONTINUALLY astonished of the stories coming out that flagrantly display massive abuse, torture and complete DISREGARD of our constitutional rights!! PUBLIC INQUIRY!!
- The more I read, the worse it gets. Scary.
- How could large numbers of Canadians turn a blind eye to this terrible story and still cling to the opinion that authorities acted responsibly on that dreadful weekend – or, worse, that merely by being on the scene everyone present was “asking for it”?
- Since the G-20 disgrace I no longer consider myself proud to be a Canadian. My Canada day was celebrated by an upturned Canadian Flag icon on my facebook profile with the statement, “Oh, Canada….”That doesn’t mean I will stop assembling, stop rallying and stop protesting though; if anything it will push me further to do so. Canada and Harper in specific allowed an atrocious nightmare to unfold without any concern on their behalf and unfortunately for them, people finally have noticed and are not happy with it at all. His actions backfired.One step closer to dissent within this country. An ugly event like this does not do much to promote peaceful protest, which it obviously condemned, but only armed struggle. Go, Canada, Go.
The petition we were invited to sign (which can be found here: http://chiefblair.resignnow.ca/this_is_my_right-1.html) included this quote: "I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind." Many people chose merely to paste this as a comment. Choice is a choice word, but I think the key thing to remember is that freedom is never free -- what is your freedom worth to you?
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