[previously posted to facebook notes]
I'm still reading... and reading .. and reading .. in no particular order, this is some of it:
2) http://www.rabble.ca/blogs/bloggers/aalya/2010/07/black-and-white-and-rage-all-over
3) http://biseenscene.com/2010/07/03/criminal-conspiracy-maybe-but-did-anyone-have-a-stapler/
5) http://www.cbc.ca/canada/toronto/story/2010/06/29/g20-chief-fence571.html
6) http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/toronto/weapons-seized-in-g20-arrests-not-what-they-seem/article1622761/
and always: http://www.pressfortruth.com/
but most importantly are these words
"As the stories of the protests continue to emerge, my hope is the pre-digested reality spoonfed to us from the lips of leaders will break down enough for us to continue to feel, articulate and act on the momentum of our rage."
Veja Magazine – Get both sides campaign |
Don't let that rage die out ... time can be a strong method to douse the flames burning in you now, but don't give in -- keep yourself informed and DISGUSTED at the acts that were carried out in the name of 'public safety'.
Don't allow the G20 to be your only anger -- look at the broader picture. Think about our children. Do we start the battle now, or leave it for their generation, after the other side has already been entrenched for decades. You decide.
freedom n 1: the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints |
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