Sunday, March 15, 2009

Kyla moments!

I keep meaning to write these down, so I thought I'd take a second and pop them on here:

1) We were out for dinner with my mom and sister last night, and they now bring the debit machine right to your table. So there my mom is, punching in tip and such, and Kyla slips out of her chair to watch over my mom's shoulder. After a moment, Kyla pipes up "Are you going to win?" (as though a video game is being played!) :) it was very very adorable!

2) We do not have television in our house. Not that we don't have a physical TV, but anything that goes on it is either downloaded from the internet or store-bought. Kyla has been VERY into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and I found the first three seasons from the 1980's airing for her to watch (nearly 80 episodes). We do have rabbit-ears on her little television, and she often gets PBS in the morning before school. This morning I woke up with a headache and so I got Kyla breakfast and turned the tv on for her -- but it was on a different station. Eventually, the more recent version of TMNT came on, but about half-way through, Kyla came into my room and asked if she could please watch her other TMNT, because she was didn't want to "watch a little bit of the show, and then watch bunch of pieces about other shows that are going to be on, before watching more of this show!" .. it took me a minute to understand that she meant, she didn't like commercials!! :)

I love her every day, but some moments are just ... more!

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