I sat down to write a blog about change, and the idea that for any
solid change to become rooted within us, it takes about 3 months…. and
then I thought about how important it was to be accurate with the
information I’m giving out to readers. The 3 month statistic came to me
from an Anger Management therapist (a course I took when I first learned
I was pregnant and knew that I had deep-seated anger issues, stemming
from witnessing abuse between my mother and father when I was younger,
something I did not want to pass on to my child). I thought I’d just
take a moment and find a link to back up that statement. It turns out,
no such link can be found! The best I could do was this article, which does not support what I thought.
Apparently, for some a new change can be integrated as early as 18
days, and for others it could take up to a year. The average was 66
days! [from the article "To clarify: that’s March 6th for anyone attempting a New Year’s resolution."]
I wanted to talk about how much of an upset to our lives it is to
escape from Domestic Violence. Whether we flee to a shelter, or a family
member or friend’s house. Whether we have children to bring or not.
Whether we are married and seeking divorce, or have property and
possessions to divide. Whether we simply choose to walk away from
everything we owned, in order to quicker facilitate the divide. There
are many factors, very personal and individual for each of us. But any
way you experience it, we are making a change — a big change.
I know from my own experience that it is difficult to get that change
to fit into my head! How do all the new routines look, from a different
location, with different players involved — and most of all, how do I
re-write that ever-present inner script. The one my abuser filled my
head with. That I am worthless, incapable; that I cannot make it without him. The notion that if he isn’t there to support me, I will never be able to live a full life. That all my ideas need to be second-guessed by him and that I should be grateful he is there to keep me in line, or I just might do something I’ll regret later. How do I move on from these ideas, clear them from my head and make a change?
I have taken CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) classes, been to
numerous group counseling sessions, one on one therapists, taken
self-esteem building workshops and journaling workshops, gone to
self-care information sessions, started walking more. I have broken
dishes, cried in the shower, screamed into a pillow, stopped walking
more, eaten junk food, yelled at myself for eating junk food. I have
gotten massages and reiki and done yoga and meditation, taken long soapy
baths, written in my journal, written in the sand, written in the snow.
I have screamed into that pillow some more and cried in the shower some
If it took just 66 days for that change to take place, I didn’t
notice it happening! But what I did notice, I will share with you now —
it gets easier. I didn’t believe that from day one,
or day two or day twenty. But it has been months and years now. And it
does get easier. For all I’ve tried, the number one thing that I found
worked best for me was finding real, warm, smiling faces of fellow
survivors. People who I could share my story with and listen to theirs.
People who understood exactly what I meant when I said “I’ve worked so
hard to get where I am today.”
And this, this is the reason why I volunteer for 1 in Four. This is
why I come in to work and write blogs and design the webpage and network
with agencies. This is why we are here: to be a group of survivors
for survivors. I want to share with you the feeling of not being alone.
The idea that even though we all have had a unique journey — some are
still at the very beginning — we are joined together as a global
sisterhood. Drop an email, sign up for the Forum, even just leave a
comment on the blog. Reach out and let your voice be heard.
I envision a world where one day all DV survivors are empowered to
speak their stories, call them from the mountaintops, so that one day,
one day, I wont have to fear about my daughter and other girls growing
up in a world where DV is silenced, where survivors wear the shame of
victimhood and abusers walk away untouched. Change is possible. End the
silence — say NO MORE! to violence.
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