Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Never enough time!

I have no idea _what_ I do in a day .. but apparently it fills it so completely that I don't have enough time to do the things I think I want to do, albeit, if I got to do them, maybe I'd realize I don't actually have any desire to do them in the first place, and therein lies to difficulty.  How does one set aside time for activities one is not entirely passionate about??  I wouldn't even say I have a hobby.  I used to craft beaded jewellery -- and while I still do this, it has turned into a chore, something I do in a meager attempt to bring in some extra money.  Thankfully most of my supplies have been gifted to me over the years, so any costs I incur are minor and the profits are close to 100% ... but this doesn't make it any less a chore, or any more a hobby ... all the fun has been zapped right out of it when I stay up 'til 1am in order to meet number demands ... rather than pulling out the beads as a means to relax or craft a gift for a friend (which is how it all started) ........ and if you think beading for 3+hrs straight is relaxing -- you obviously haven't spoken to my lower back.....

Today I did laundry and grocery shopping and managed to pick up a bunch of empty boxes, since we're moving in a couple weeks and I've hardly scratched the surface of packing... but aside from that, well .. I fed my child breakfast, made her lunch for school, slathered her in sunscreen and packed her off to a school trip .. I made myself a snack, but not much of anything to eat... I attempted to go to the food bank, but after standing around for >30 mins, it didn't look like anyone was being dealt with, and there were more than a dozen people ahead of me in line, so no way I'd be out of there in time to get the child from school -- so I left that for tomorrow's list ....

I didn't get to the dishes.. or any other tidying up .. I didn't put the laundry away yet .. I have not packed a single one of those new boxes.. here it is only 3pm and I am completely out of energy for the rest of the day.... BUT now my daughter is home and wants my attention and my affection and my imagination to entertain her ..... I. Have. Nothing. Left. To. Give.

So where does my time go? I guess I just answered it -- to all the menial crap in my life.  Add to that therapist appointments and attempting to spend time with the boyfriend, who, has no job at the moment and I've been aiding (slightly) in resume writing, job finding, cover-letter writing, etc...


I want to give up and give in and give it all back. Where do I mail the Return to Sender letter? :(

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