Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dear Casual Sex,

I forever call out your true identity. You are not Casual, you are Empty. And it is finally time for me to tell you to hit the road. You are not wanted here any more. I have been visited by you for almost a decade now, and really, since I was 16 and didn't have a choice, didn't know better, didn't really understand the invitation I was extending.

Well, I'm an adult now. I know the feelings that come with your arrival. The emptiness, the guilt, the feeling of self-rape and degradation.  I want no more of this. I will rewrite my script and I will find meaningful and real interactions with other mature adults that have no basis in your realm. Empty Sex, you shall cease to rule my existence.

While I have had some friendships form out of your easy means of interaction, these relations will always be tainted by questions of intent. Is he only here for the sex? Does she come back because I make her feel sexy and wanted? Is he only saying those nice things so he'll get some later?

And the fear of what may come, hidden between the sheets, requiring a professional's attention, or even worse, a life-sentence, shall haunt my nightmares no more.

I bid you a quick, painless goodbye and ask only that you do not write.

Yours in sincerity,
Cassandra J. Henry

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