Wednesday, November 22, 1995

Excerpt from my very first web page:

This is me...

Alright, well.. let's get to the important stuff of this site.

Hi! I'm Cassandra J. Henry and this is my page .. I'm sure you already KNEW that, but.. anyways! .. The J. stands for Jewell .. my parents gave me that middle name so I could sign my "J. Henry" (in otherwords, my parents are nuts and somehow associate J. Henry with John Hancock).

I am a young female from Ontario, Canada (I'm Canadian, eh!) and am semi-new to this Internet thang. I grew up with computers, starting out on a C64/128 with a 1200bps modem (which my father, who is heavily interested in computers, suckered my older sister and I into buying with our Christmas money!!) and then after our $500 phone bill from calling Q-Link in the states, we decided we could run our own BBS. This was about 6 years ago and our BBS, Ambassador Board, is still up and running with about 600 users. I actually only started accessing the InterNet at the end of August '95.

As for that funky pic. on my main page and associated with most of my pages, I bet you're wondering what the heck it has to do with me, well... I had blue hair! Amazing, eh?! .. It took me a whole year to get my parents to let me dye is, but.. finally they did! What an experience. (if you ever want to hear a really long and semi-odd story, ask me about what I went through to get blue hair!!) -- for anyone who has seen this page before, you know that that pic had blue hair too, but now that my hair is red, I felt it would be appropriate to change her hair colour!! :) .. (if you wanna hear another long and odd story, ask me about my 4 hour trip to the hair-dressers!!!)

Aside from the InterNet, I do a lot of other things in my spare time. I love to write poetry and short stories. I also like to read. I'm completely into the horror genre, my favourite author, at the moment, being John Saul. I like to go out to parties and dances and to the movies like any regular person. I listen to pretty much any kind of music, from Alternative and Industrial to Rock and Classical (my favourite band is PearlJam with Live as a close second). Shiloh is actually from the song Shilo by Neil Diamond. Although I have leared it has many other significant meanings.

I don't really know what else to say? The sport I love the most is basketball, I'm VERY against smoking and drugs and alcohol and all that stuff (I'm not religious or anything, I just don't see the point in most of it!!) .. I do know how to have a good time without all that stuff! .. I love to wear jeans and a t-shirt and a pair of big fuzzy socks .. my hair is curently pretty short (not quite shoulder length) but I am in the process of growing it (again!) .. I am a very scatterbrained type of person, and I do tend to jump from topic to topic!! Truth be know, I am 16, born June 10, 1980. Now that you know my birthday, send me sumfin, eh?! hehe!

Anyways, I don't want to bore you to tears (as if I havn't already!), so I guess I'll end this here and let you go searching through the fun things on my page. If you ever want to talk to me, I spend a lot of time in IRC .. I have my own channel called #Shilohz and if I'm online than I'm bound to be there, and if I'm not actually there but am online, ShyBot (my bot! newest accomplishment!) will be there, so msg her!! Oh, and reccently I spend most of my time in #devotion so you can look for me there too! And.. I always enjoy getting e-mail, so.. send me something.. heck, just write and say hi! I promise I'll respond! hehe!

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