Monday, May 21, 2012

fear, just like anger, is not a bad thing -- its what you DO with it!

Do you ever feel like getting everything you want is scarier than struggling to get those things?  I am moving in a week into the best possible future for myself and my daughter. I will be able to breathe again for the first time in a LONG time and no one can pull the ground out from under my feet -- it will be stable for as long as I want it to be. I can start to focus forward instead of always worrying about the now. I can make decisions for possibilities for tomorrow, rather than just dream them and never reach them. And I am scared!! I know how turmoil works -- I've worked it for the last decade of my life. Things have fallen from one bad scenario to the next, but I've always managed to pull us through it and I've always managed to come up for a breath of fresh air before being sucked back in. The thing is -- this next move will be nothing like the other ones and I can already almost TASTE the solid ground. How does that work? How do I let go of this "survivor" mentality that I've adopted to live my daily life, because it has been the only way possible for me? I know I will feel may way through it, I know I will learn the next dance moves just the same way as I always have; I have strength and conviction and courage -- I know I am capable. I'm just admitting the fear, turning it around and looking at it from all angles so I can be ready. Life, here I come, be ready for me, because I am going places!!!! :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"the truth is, you can't control what you feel -- only what you do about it."